Nautical Lingo:
“Aye, aye, sir” Reply to An officer’s order. I understand and will obey.
“Figurehead” Ornamental figure placed on the bow of ship under the bowsprit. A leader with no real power, authority, or function except to look good, or appeal to a certain group.
“Sails” A sailmaker on board a sailing vessel was called “sails.”
“Skipper” Comes from the Old Dutch “schipper” the master of a small trading vessel. Those without a “master’s ticket” should be addressed as “skipper.” Usually the operation of a pleasure vessel is called skipper.
Summer Reading:
Failure is not an Option
By Gene Kranz [Space program from views of Mission Control, Mercury to Apollo 13]
Hero: The Life of Lawrence of Arabia
By Michael Korda [Excellent history on the Middle East & Arabs.]
A Fistful of Fig Newtons
By Jean Shepard [If you liked his Christmas Story, you will enjoy this book.]
A Sea Vagabond’s World
By Bernard Moitessier [Summary of his ideas on Sailboats]
Alone Against the Atlantic
By Gerry Spiess [Designed, built a 10 ft. sailboat and sailed the Atlantic.]
Deep Water and Shoal
By William Robinson [Sailing around the World in the 1930’s.]
Education of a Wandering Man
By Louis L’Amour [Not formerly educated, but well read.]
“Extreme Ownership: Leaders must own everything in their world. There is no one else to blame.”
John “Jocko” Willink (Former Navy Seal)
“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”
Marcus Aurelius
Marine Insurance Seminar 17-18 January 2023:
We are looking for new sponsors for our 2023 Marine Insurance Seminar. Have you considered your employer or yourself as a sponsor? We would like to show them as a sponsor in our upcoming Save the Date email. Do not delay, we need to know ASAP. Support your Club!
Committee members – we are still looking for additional members to assist in the 2023 seminar. If interested, please contact the Skipper.
Arthur B. Campbell, CPCU, ARM, AMIM