Marine Insurance books that may be of interest to you:
Dictionary of Marine Insurance Terms and Clauses
By T. H. Brown
Marine Claims Practical Guide [Guide for handling and prevention of marine claims]
By Christof Luddeke
Seaworthy: Essential Lessons Things Gone Wrong [Boat U.S., 20 years of claims]
By Robert A. Adriance
Marine Insurance and General Average in U.S. [Contracts, P & I, Particular & General Average]
By Leslie J. Buglass
The Underwriters Bedside Book [Marine claims, Perils of the seas, Utmost Good Faith]
By Jonathan S. Ignarski
Nautical Lingo:
“Three sheets to the wind” A square rigged sailing ship needed four sheets on the yard (Sail was attached to the yard) to tack the vessel. With three sheets free (not attached) only one sheet was attached, and the ship was not controllable. Term also used for a sailor that had too much rum to drink, and was unstable on his feet.
“Clean slate” Courses and distances were kept on a slate. End of each watch they were put in the ships log and the slate was wiped clean for the next watch. Has to come to mean starting anew.
“Keel hauled” A punishment for a sailor. The sailor was tied to a line and thrown overboard and hauled from one side to another. The ships barnacles would cut him, or cause a loss of limbs. Used in the Royal Navy in 11th century. Earliest mention was in the Rhodian Maritime Code of 800 B.C. A punishment for piracy.
Thoughts for the day:
“Train a child up on the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
“Not for ourselves alone are we born.”
“Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must undertake to support it.”
Thomas Payne
April Speaker:
J, Jopie Helsen, Sailor’s Wharf, Inc. St Petersburgh, FL shared his sailing trip from St. Pete to N.E. Queensland in Australia. He had some beautiful photographs, and video of his sailboat under sail.
Jopie is a 2nd generation boat builder, yacht designer, and the owner of Sailor’s Wharf, Inc. with over 55 years in the marine industry. He is raising awareness of Leukemia and Lymphoma, and funds to support them. Check out his web page.
If you missed his presentation you can go to, YouTube [SVSKY57] or This will give you an idea of his sailing adventure and details on his sailboat. His sailboat was designed by Simonis Voogd a Dutch designer and built in New Zealand. The LOA is 57 ft., waterline is 54 ft. and a carbon fiber mast 85 ft. in height, swing keel from 5.5 ft. to 11.5 ft. The sailboat has four cabins, and weighs 53,000 lbs.
The longest passage was just under 3,000 N.M. that took only 17 days. He averaged 176.47 N.M. a day! An average speed of 7.4 knots. The total miles sailed to Australia was 14,000.
Many thanks to Jopie for taking the time out of his busy day to talk to our Club, and to share his sailing adventure.
Jopie Helsen with TBMC members
Photo by: Art Campbell, CPCU, ARM, AMIM
All organizations need new members to add new ideas, and to perpetuate the Club. The TBMC is no different. If you know of someone that meets our membership requirements invite them to a meeting. Agents are needed because our members have moved, no longer in the industry, or getting ready to retire. They are helpful in recommending topics and speakers for our Marine Insurance Seminar that appeal to agents and brokers. This also applies to surveyors! I have been told that it is difficult to get people that are interested in becoming a marine surveyor.
Seminar 17-18, 2023:
Next year seems a long way away, but we are already at the end of April. We need more members to volunteer to put on the seminar. Past members as well as new members are welcome. I have attached a survey from the 2019 Seminar listing the topics the attendees would like to see in the future. We need the knowledge, experience, and training of our members to come up with topics and speakers that will meet the attendees’ requirements. Our Club has a lot of talent, come join the seminar committee and make our seminar the best to date. We have not had a seminar since 2019, and we cannot continue to support Club functions and donate to worthy clauses without a successful seminar!
Monthly programs:
If you know of someone that would be an interesting speaker, contact our Program Chair Sheryl Johnson at (813) 281-7501 or (813) 253-9360. She will contact them and arrange a date to speak that suits them.
Please advise me if you have been promoted, spoke at another club, written a paper, additions to your family or news that you would like to share with our members. I shall make room for your news in our newsletter.
Arthur B. Campbell, CPCU, ARM, AMIM
(954) 993-0901