Our October 3, 2022 meeting will be held at Seasons 52 Restaurant, 204 N. Westshore Blvd., Tampa, FL 33609, starting at 11:30. Phone (813) 286-1152, Website www.seasons52.com. Please email, loadmasterart@comcast.net to place your reservation. Seasons 52 has been generous in providing our Club a private room. With poor attendance, not sure how long it will continue. Our September speaker Gino J. Butto, Esq.  gave an interesting talk on Bareboat Chartering.

Jennifer Seipel, Esq. presenting Speakers Plaque to Gino Butto, Esq
Photo by: Art Campbell, CPCU, ARM, AMIM


Our attendance has been down all year. Covid-19 is behind us and looking forward to better attendance for the balance of the year. I realize our membership is not able to make it to all the meetings, but we meet only once a month. As you can see, we need a Yeoman for the balance of the year to replace Lynnette Meis. In the September newsletter I asked for a volunteer to serve the balance of the year as Yeoman. No one has volunteered!


Our planned Marine Insurance Seminar on January 17-18, 2023, has been postponed. For the last eight months our Club has asked for volunteers to help put on the Marine Insurance Seminar. Most of our members are not attending the monthly meetings and appear to not be interested in assisting in putting on our Marine Insurance Seminar.


In October our Club will be presented a slate of officers for 2023. It is important for our members to attend this meeting! We need to have a discussion on what you expect our Club to offer the membership. How can you help to see that our Club meets your expectations? We have talented, and experienced professionals in our Club, that are leaders in their field of expertise. Insurance agents, surveyors, and admiralty attorneys are a resource for our members.  We need a discussion on the direction of our Club for 2023 and beyond.   Dues for


2023 are payable on January 1, 2023. Per our Bylaws, Article IV, Section 5 (d.) Regular Members who fail to pay renewal dues by January 31st shall automatically have their membership suspended and shall be suspended Regular Members not-in-good- standing until their dues are paid by the first Monday in March.  If not paid they forfeiture their membership. You will receive a reminder in December about your dues. Please pay your membership NLT January 31st. Paying your dues late creates extra work for the Purser, and the web manager.  


Art Campbell, CPCU, ARM, AMIM
(954) 993-0901

First Mate   Julie Cunningham Aiello, Esq.
Yeoman  Vacant
Purser   Jennifer Seipel, Esq.
Program Chair  Sheryl L. Johnson