TBMC meeting will be held on January 9, 2023 at Seasons 52, 204 North Westshore Blvd., Tampa, FL Note the change of date, the first Monday is the 2nd day of January, the day after New Year’s. It was voted to change our meeting to the 2nd Monday of January, on the 9th....
Tampa Bay Mariners Club Annual Meeting – December 5, 2022 Meeting at Seasons 52 Restaurant, 204 N. Westshore Blvd., Tampa, FL. (813) 286-1152 at 1130 AM, on December 5, 2022. If you are not able to attend and vote on the proposed Bylaw changes for our annual...
Our October 3, 2022 meeting will be held at Seasons 52 Restaurant, 204 N. Westshore Blvd., Tampa, FL 33609, starting at 11:30. Phone (813) 286-1152, Website www.seasons52.com. Please email, loadmasterart@comcast.net to place your reservation. Seasons 52 has been...
We will be meeting the 12th of September. The first Monday is Labor Day [5th of September]. Speakers Gino J. Butto, Esq. with the firm of Famulari and Butto, PLLC. Sheryl Johnson , Chubb’s Underwriting Manager, Recreational Marine will assist and give an...
Wisdom notes: “Minds and parachutes only work when they are open.” “There are no schools for anything important in life! Only the experience of screwing up regularly, wiping your nose, and opening yourself to mentors.” “Competition is good for us; it brings out the...
Quotes to ponder: “Inflation is taxation without legislation.” Milton Friedman “Lenin was certainly right: There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency.” John Maynard Keyes “Inflation consists of...
Nautical Lingo: “Aye, aye, sir” Reply to An officer’s order. I understand and will obey. “Figurehead” Ornamental figure placed on the bow of ship under the bowsprit. A leader with no real power, authority, or function except to look good, or appeal to a certain group....
Marine Insurance books that may be of interest to you: Dictionary of Marine Insurance Terms and Clauses By T. H. Brown Marine Claims Practical Guide [Guide for handling and prevention of marine claims] By Christof Luddeke Seaworthy: Essential Lessons Things Gone...
New Purser Jennifer Seipel, Esq. with Hamilton, Miller, and Birthisel Law has agreed to serve; replacing Carrie “CJ” Stevens. Thank you “CJ” for serving as our purser. We still have openings for our Marine Insurance Seminar Committee for 17-18 January, 2023. Come...
I recently learned that Robert “Chip” Birthisel, Esq. has been named an Outstanding Admiralty Attorney for 2022. He is one of two attorneys in the law firm of Hamilton Miller, Birthisel that have received this recognition for their contributions to the law, and for...